








Product Design

Product Design

Product Design


In a world where digital interfaces often widen the gap between real human interactions, Airbnb Connect was envisioned as a beacon of hope for Generation Z, who increasingly report feelings of isolation. This groundbreaking platform reimagines underused spaces as pulsating community centers, meticulously aligning with Airbnb's ethos of fostering a global sense of belonging.


To mitigate the loneliness epidemic rampant among Gen Z by harnessing the power of Airbnb's digital infrastructure to enable enriching, in-person interactions.




Peering into Gen Z's Isolation

My investigative journey into the solitude experienced by Generation Z uncovered a staggering 73% of individuals feeling isolated, an issue magnified by the paradoxical role of social media in fostering connections. Through a blend of surveys, user interviews, and affinity mapping, I peeled back the layers of this modern dilemma, guiding our solution-oriented blueprint.

From Vision to Reality

From Vision to Reality

From Vision to Reality

Transitioning insights into actionable designs, I meticulously crafted wireframes that encapsulated Airbnb Connect's vision. Each design iteration—be it the user preferences integration, the central hub for connections, adaptable event spaces, or the personalized event discovery—was fine-tuned to resonate with our target demographic, earning accolades for its intuitive navigation and depth of engagement.

The Development Odyssey

With high-fidelity prototypes, I breathed life into the essence of Airbnb Connect, introducing:

Interests Page:

Tailoring the experience to user preferences.

Connect Page:

A nucleus for fostering community interactions.

Event Page:

Showcasing spaces reborn as community focal points.

Event Discovery:

A personalized guide through a curated selection of gatherings.

Community Ecosystem:

An inviting forum for genuine user interaction.

Feedback from user testing underscored the platform's allure and efficacy, validating our strategic direction.

Reflections and Forward Gaze

This project was not only a significant milestone in my professional journey, offering rich lessons in project management and execution but also illuminated paths for enhancement. Looking ahead, I'm excited to further immerse myself in collaborative design endeavors, appreciating the profound impact of teamwork on creative processes.

Bridging Digital Divides with Design

Airbnb Connect symbolizes a significant leap towards reconciling the dissonance between digital detachment and authentic communal engagement. This case study not only maps out the strategic, design, and developmental milestones but also celebrates the transformative power of thoughtful design in knitting together the fabric of real-world connections in the digital era.

Impact Created


Successful Connections Made

Successful Connections Made

Successful Connections Made


Community Events Created

Community Events Created

Community Events Created


Event Attendance

Event Attendance

Event Attendance


Increase in Host Bookings Percent

Increase in Host Bookings Percent

Increase in Host Bookings Percent

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Ⓒ2024 CH